Redemptorists held an Assembly in the Vice-Province Of Nigeria


In response to the request for a daily renewal and conversion to stay true to our role as witnesses to the Redeemer, the Redemptorist Vice Province of Nigeria convened an Assembly from October 8th to 12th, 2024, at the Redemptorist Spirituality and Renewal Centre in Ibadan, Oyo State. This Assembly served as a time for spiritual rejuvenation and a review of our stewardship as a Vice Province. The Assembly officially began with the Mass of the Holy Spirit on October 9th, 2024, led by Very Rev Fr Nicolas Ayouba, CSsR, who is the General Consultor for Africa and Madagascar, and the Official Representative of the Superior General, and was joined by the Vice Provincial Superior, Very Rev Fr Michael Emerue, CSsR, and the Vicar of the Vice Province, Very Rev Fr Noel Eshikena, CSsR. Following the Eucharistic celebration, after which there was a voice vote, the Vice Provincial Superior announced the opening of the Assembly.

During the day, there were morning and evening sessions where various secretariats and commissions presented their work. The Vice Provincial Superior delivered a talk on “The Current State of the Vice Province” and “Establishing a Secure Environment Across Our Different Apostolates.” Additionally, there was a speech by Very Rev Fr John Feye, CSsR, who represents the Provincial Superior of Denver Province. The General Consultor for Africa and Madagascar, also representing the Superior General, Very Rev Fr Nicholas Ayouba, CSsR, presented on “The Future of the Recreated COREAM” to the Assembly. At various points, the following individuals also spoke to the Assembly: Very Rev Fr Olivier Sawadogo, the Vice Provincial Superior of Afrique De L’ouest, and Very Rev Fr Noel Sottima, CSsR, who is the Coordinator of the COREAM Conference. Lady Judith Agu, the President of the COREAM Commission for Shared Mission with the Laity, also presented to the Assembly on the Commission’s activities. There were also opportunities for group discussions, sharing, and various Plenary Sessions.

Towards the conclusion of the evening Session on Friday, 11th October 2024, utilizing a voice vote, Rev Fr Michael Emerue, CSsR, the Vice Provincial Superior, announced the end of the Assembly. This was succeeded by a Gaudeamus, during which the brothers enjoyed delightful moments of leisure and fraternal sharing. The Assembly was formally concluded with an Eucharistic celebration led by the Vice Provincial Superior, Very Rev Fr Michael Emerue, CSsR, and participated in by the Second Consultor of the Vice Province, Very Rev Fr Godwin Abbah, CSsR, and Rev Fr James Arebiyi, CSsR.

Fr. Onyeno, Peter Chijioke, CSsR.

Head of Media and Communication,
Redemptorist Vice Province of Nigeria.