Vietnam: Meaning of the theme of the Jubilee Year, “100 Years – Mission in Grace.”


On November 30, 2024, the Redemptorists of Vietnam will inaugurate the Jubilee Year in Huế, marking the 100th anniversary of the Redemptorists’ presence in Vietnam (1925-2025). Huế is where the first three Canadian Redemptorist missionaries set foot in Vietnam.

During the Jubilee Year, many events will take place in different regions of Vietnam. The Jubilee is expected to conclude on November 28, 2025, in Saigon.

The theme of the Jubilee Year will be: “100 Years – Mission in Grace.”

Here is the explanation of the meaning behind the logo:

MAIN LOGO: The logo’s symbol and colors are inspired by the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help and the emblem of the Redemptorist Congregation.

Two main symbols: the Cross and the Holy Spirit.

The Cross serves as a reminder of the Congregation’s motto: “With Him is plentiful redemption” (Ps 129:7b). The Cross, along with the spear and the sponge, represent the relics of Christ’s glorious Passion. Christ redeemed humanity through these instruments.

The Cross also signifies 100 years of gratitude. The horizontal beam represents the journey of proclaiming the Good News to the most abandoned, a mission that generations of missionary priests from Canada and Vietnam have carried out over the past 100 years (1925-2025). The vertical beam mirrors the shape of Vietnam, symbolizing grace flowing down from God. “100 Years – Mission in Grace” is the central theme of the logo.

The Holy Spirit, symbolized by the dove, echoes the mission stated in the Redemptorist Constitution, No. 1: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18a).

The Holy Spirit, stylized as a flame, portrays the image of the Redemptorist missionary: “Strong in faith, joyful in hope, fervent in love, on fire with zeal” (Redemptorist Constitution, No. 20).

The four sections of the logo signify the mission of evangelization that the Redemptorists of Vietnam are committed to in the four regions: North, Central, South, and the Central Highlands.

Three main colors: red, green, and blue.

These are the colors seen in the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help: Jesus’ robe (green and red), and Mary’s robe (blue and red).

  • Red represents the fire of God’s Love.
  • Green symbolizes life.
  • Blue signifies the dignity of every person.

The Redemptorist missionaries are witnesses to God’s Love (red), sent to proclaim the immense dignity of each person and humanity as a whole (blue), helping everyone realize that despite being sinners, on a deeper level, all have been chosen, redeemed, and gathered in Christ to receive eternal life (green) (cf. Redemptorist Constitution, No. 7).


These lines commemorate the journey of the three pioneering Canadian Redemptorist missionaries who first arrived in Vietnam (November 30, 1925).

They also recall the core message of the initial preaching (kerygma) that generations of Redemptorist missionaries have tirelessly proclaimed: Jesus Christ died, rose, and ascended into heaven (1 Corinthians 15:1-8).

Fr. Anthony Nam, CSsR.