Japan: The Annual Assembly of Vice-Province in Tokyo


The Annual assembly of Vice-Province of Japan was held in mid-week of November from 11th to 14th in Tokyo. It was a great time of togetherness and reporting on our community activities as assigned in different areas.

During this period, we commemorated a small gathering to mark the 25th ordination anniversary of Fr. Yoakim Ndelo Rambaho as a priest, alongside the 60th anniversary of the arrival of Canadian missionary Fr. Girard Jean-Raymond in Japan.  Fr.Yakobus Umbu Warata, the Provincial of Indonesia also attended the assembly with us. At the assembly, there were updates on the global community’s progress, as well as reports from various committees and communities.

Specifically, Father Sebastian was the main celebrant of the mass, said in Japanese language, despite having been in Japan for just over a year and five months, during which he demonstrated fluency in the language. The Japanese Vice Province currently consists of 22 members, including four Indonesians.

Additionally, two members have expressed interest in joining the international community, which is set to commence in December, and are awaiting approval from their provincial superiors to travel to Japan.

Are you interested in joining the international community in Japan? We would be delighted to welcome and work with you.

Fr. Takeshi INOUE, CSsR.