Italy: the conference on the Redemptorist Father Antonio Dressino, “Righteous Among the Nations.”


The Conference entitled Fr. Marco Antonio Dresseno. A Montagnanese righteous among the nations, took place on Saturday 25 January, starting at 4:30 pm in the splendid setting of the elegant Cinema Teatro “Bellini” part of the parish structures. 

Every year, the  Day of Remembrance, established in 2005 to commemorate all the victims of the Shoah and keep alive the memory of that tragic event, is prepared throughout Italy, with a series of cultural events that, in different forms, put at the centre of attention not only the millions of victims of the Nazi massacre, who it is right to commemorate, but also those who risked their lives to support the persecuted Jews. 

Among these righteous, there is also a Redemptorist missionary: Fr. Marco Antonio Dressino (1877-1969), rector and parish priest of San Gioacchino ai Prati, during the occupation of Rome, and head of a series of courageous initiatives for the salvation of numerous human lives. His memory, linked to the complex of the house and papal church of Prati, has been the subject in recent years of local commemorations, television broadcasts, articles, and guided tours of the places of memory. The commitment and tenacious work of the Redemptorist, Fr. Ezio Marcelli, have allowed many people to approach a passionate story of solidarity, which took place within the walls of a church and a religious house, in a web of compelling circumstances that have remained in the most human pages of history.

This year, the initiatives to remember Fr. Dressino, had as their center his country of origin: the  walled town of Montagnana, in the province and diocese of Padua, which promoted  the first conference  to celebrate an illustrious Montagnanese, whose name has been included in the glorious ranks of the  righteous among the nations.

A local committee, formed in the shadow of the monumental Cathedral, has brought together in a large work team numerous personalities, eager to make the city community aware of the life and work of one of its most illustrious sons. The parish organizations and the local section of  Italia Nostra  have planned a real Conference, in which to deepen in the first instance the knowledge of the Redemptorist from Montagnana, whose figure has been placed alongside the memory of Monsignor Agostino Bellato, chief priest of Montagnana in the decade 1956-1966, also recognized  as Righteous Among the Nations. Two personalities, in different ways, linked to the Venetian city, protagonists of courageous humanitarian initiatives, during one of the darkest pages of Italian history just passed. 

The Conference entitled Fr. Marco Antonio Dresseno. A Montagnanese righteous among the nations, took place on Saturday 25 January, starting at 4:30 pm in the splendid setting of the elegant Cinema Teatro “Bellini” part of the parish structures. 

The event was inaugurated by the chief priest-parish priest of Montagnana, as well as the local vicar forane,  Monsignor Lucio Monetti, with greetings and the introduction of the works, underlining the importance of this cultural moment for the history of the community and extending a warm greeting to the illustrious guests who had gathered.

The greeting and initial reflection of the mayor of Montagnana, Gian Paolo Lovato, could not be missed. He highlighted the importance that this event, supported by the municipal administration, has for the city: a further precious piece of knowledge that reminds every one of the duty of memory, to counter a certain denialism in vogue and to transmit to future generations the true story of events that have marked Italian culture. 

Professor Antonia Scappin, an art expert and host of the evening, welcomed the guests of honour:  the great-grandchildren of Father Dressino, present with their families, and Father Vincenzo La Mendola, a Redemptorist, archivist and historian of the Church, as well as a member of the Historical Institute of his Congregation. His presence is a bridge between Montagnana and the Congregation of the Redemptorists, a missionary institute in which Father Dressino fulfilled his religious vocation, with which an active collaboration has officially begun.

From the initial greetings we moved on to the heart of the event, that is, the reports on the theme, accompanied by PowerPoints prepared by  Gian Antonio Lucca, which allowed those present to take a real virtual journey, through evocative images and period photos, some of which have never been published before.

The first speech, entitled, “The persecution of the Jews and the Nazi occupation of Rome” (1943-1944). The refuge for Jews and wanted persons set up in San Gioacchino in Rome, Parish of the Redemptorist Missionaries, and the role of Father Marco Antonio Dresseno, was presented by Prof. Alberto Costantini, a distinguished local historian, writer, and speaker. With his well-known narrative ability, he highlighted the dynamics of a difficult and contradictory historical moment, turning the spotlight on the work of the Redemptorists, led by Father Dresseno, with the direction of a lay member of Catholic Action and a nun of the Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. 

The second report was given by Gian Antonio Lucca, current president of Italia Nostra and passionate history researcher, who outlined the biographies of Father Dressino and Monsignor Bellato, highlighting their extraordinary humanitarian sensitivity and the works they conducted in a complex period. Comparing the two gigantic figures required an uncommon ability to compare, carried out linearly by the speaker.

Fr. La Mendola was given an absolutely new topic: a spiritual profile of Fr. Antonio Dressino, a Redemptorist religious and priest. With evident emotion, he took the floor, thanking them for the invitation, and bringing greetings from all the Redemptorists of Southern Europe and their provincial superior. He discussed his topic, starting from unpublished autographed sources, which brought to light the interesting personality and interior life of the Redemptorist of Montagnana, not only a righteous among the nations, but a man of profound faith and great among the meek and humble of heart. With great interest and involvement, those present followed the speech of Fr. Vincenzo, who traced the coordinates of the spirituality of the religious man from Montagnana, who was given voice through numerous quotes from his spiritual diaries and the reflections proposed by the speaker. Although it was the longest presentation, it allowed the participants to deeply understand the spiritual journey of a man who left his mark on the history of human solidarity and that of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. We finally had the opportunity to approach the figure of Fr. Dressino from a more personal perspective and with the possibility of exploring his rich interior world.

The coordinator had the last word to conclude the proceedings, the thanks from the entire city community to the speakers, and the affectionate greeting to those who attended. 

To Marco Brancati and Marco Pirondini, the gratitude of the committee for having ensured with competence, a perfect direction, in taking care of the technical aspect.

Another cornerstone has been placed in the history of Montagnana, hoping that it will be only the first of many initiatives that will follow, to make known characters and stories lived that remain living memory and nourishment of the collective conscience. And why not? Models that teach the sacred value of life and the courage to fight for its protection, respecting the dignity of every man.

Catherine Faggion