Mother of Perpetual Help Province: Visit of the Provincial Council and General Government to the Communities


(The article from the Bulletin published by the Communications Office of the Mother Province of Perpetual Help – Central America and the Caribbean)

The Mother Province of Perpetual Help continues its journey of mission and fraternity with the recent fraternal visit of the Provincial Council and the General Government to the communities of the province, which is taking place these days in February and will continue until next month.

In a first round, the Provincial Council visited each and every one of the missions, promoting meetings of closeness, dialogue, and discernment.

During these visits, fundamental issues such as pastoral care, mission, and the process of reconfiguration of the province were discussed. The realities of our missionary community were analysed, as well as the challenges we face in the evangelizing service. This first phase served as preparation for the visit of the General Government, which is currently taking place between the months of February, March, and early April.

This opens the opportunity to continue strengthening the sense of unity in the 11 nations where our province is present.