“Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)
The command of Jesus continues to urge the Church to go forth and reach all nations. The Redemptorist missionaries enthusiastically respond to this call by journeying to remote and distant communities, bringing them the opportunity to hear and embrace the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ.
Young Redemptorist priests and brothers tirelessly set out to accompany ethnic minority communities in the highlands of Bắc Kạn, Cao Bằng, Gia Lai, Kontum, Đak Lak, Đà Lạt, etc. They share in the daily lives of the people, becoming their friends, and most importantly, proclaiming to them God who loves them and offers them salvation. Through this encounter, the people open their hearts to receive God, filling their lives with joy and hope—the greatest hope being eternal life in Him.
Challenges are no longer obstacles when love is great enough. These young Redemptorist missionaries gladly embrace difficulties—geographical barriers, cultural and linguistic differences, and harsh living conditions—so that they may remain close to the people, walking with them and helping them experience the nearness of God’s love.
May these young missionaries continue their tireless journey, with hearts ablaze with zeal, faithfully carrying out the mission entrusted to them by Christ the Redeemer!
Anthony Nam Nguyen