Philippines: Meeting on Leadership for Mission by the Superiors and Extra-Ordinary Council of the Vice-Province of Manila


In preparation for the Mid-Quadrennium, the Superiors and the Extra-Ordinary Council held their meeting from March 20 to 24, 2025 in Coron, Palawan. They discussed matters salient to the mission, formation, and administration of the Vice-Province of Manila.

Prior to the meeting, the Council and Superiors reflected on Communicanda 2: The Service of Leadership in the Style of Jesus Christ. Each articulated a pivotal role in the community, affirming the office’s role as pastor, animator, and administrator. These characters magnified Christ’s authority, reminding them to journey together with the community members.  

Moreover, leadership is not about meetings, paperwork, or discussions but support and commitment to the mission. After the meeting, the Superiors and Extra-Ordinary Council sailed to the island of Culion, Palawan, to participate in the Culmination of the Mission in the Canimango Mission Station.

Under the Episcopal Jurisdiction of Bishop Broderick Pabillo (Apostolic Vicariate of Taytay), the Redemptorist Lipa Mission Community stationed themselves for one year in the Canimango Mission Station. The area is under the titular Patron of Espousal of Mary and Joseph, with 14 communities. The Mission Team, Fr. Jose Dela Cruz, C.Ss.R, Sr. Shirley Mabunga, MPS, Sr. Lourdes Martho, MPS and Loloy Colasi, and various lay partners conducted different activities for formation, community organizing, icon mission and preached mission. With the active participation of the priest-in-charge, Fr. Agapito Lagrada, indeed, the mission paddle across the seas of Culion, “fishing men” that leads to conversation and rekindling of faith.

During the Culmination Mass, Fr. Raymond Urriza, C.Ss.R. reminded the people, “Christ is alive, Continue the mission” (Buhay ang Diyos. Tuloy ang Misyon), and may they experience Christ’s redeeming love and hope throughout the mission. Indeed, the presence and participation of the Superiors and Extra-Ordinary Council signifies that leadership is for the mission. Their leadership should serve the mission of the Congregation rather than finding comfort in the office. Therefore, exercising their leadership entails participating in the kenosis of the Father, who sends His Son into the world and places Himself at the service of the people.

Fr. Allan Edward O. Pandaan, C.Ss.R.
Secretary of the Vice-Province of Manila