Fr. Dominic Rihi Mone, CSsR celebrates his Silver Jubilee as Redemptorist


(Weetebula, Indonesia) Fr.  Dominikus Rihi Mone CSsR, celebrated his silver jubilee as a Redemptorist on Thursday, August 8 2019, at the Holy Spirit Cathedral, Weetebula.  The confreres, families, friends and acquaintances attended the celebration.

Fr. Dominic was born in Weetebula on January 2, 1974. He is the youngest of five in the family.  After completing his studies at St. Thomas Aquinas high school in 1992, he joined to become a Redemptorist.  In 1993, he was accepted in the novitiate at Wanno Gaspar, Sumba.  He made his first vows on July 25, 1994. He then continued his philosophy and theology studies at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology Wedha Bakti, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta.

He was ordained a priest on August 1, 2001 and then he was assigned to several formation houses.  Fr. Dominic had the opportunity to pursue his further study on pedagogy in the city of Würzburg, Germany.  After completing his studies, he now looks after the administration of the school as the principal of Andaluri senior high school.

He is a multi-talented Redemptorist, among others especially in the field of music.  With an educational background that he has, he gradually tried to improve the standard of education in this school.

In his reflection, Fr.  Dominic hopes that he will remain faithful to his vocation as a Redemptorist so that he may remain and continue to be useful for the people he serves.

Through this celebration of the Silver jubilee, may Fr.  Dominic be strengthened and deeply rooted in his vocation and mission in the midst of our wounded world, especially in the field of education.

Congratulations Fr.  Dominic.

Copiosa Apud Eum Redemptio.

Willy Ng Pala CSsR.