The Assembly of the Portuguese Province 2019


(Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal) The Assembly of the Portuguese Province took place from 2 to 6 September 2019 in Vila Nova de Gaia. It was the time of friendliness among all those present, as well as of fraternal prayer. The participants talked also about what matters most to the whole of the province.

Among the topics addressed was the theme of the restructuring of the Redemptorist Congregation which is in the process of being implemented. The common feeling was that the restructuring is not only reconfiguring but, most of all, revitalizing of our way of life.

The Plan of the Community Life was presented, which is a proposal offered to us by the General Government. It is very supportive in the view of the necessity of careful and realistic elaboration of the Community Life Project which is to be created in the different circumstances of life and ministry in each community.

The days of the assembly were enriched by the reflections inspired by excerpts from the recent interview with our Father General Michael Brehl.


The full version of this video-interview is available here