Redemptorist Mission of Ghana marks silver jubilee celebrations


(Ho, Ghana) Animated by the zeal for the Good News that led Saint Alphonsus de Liguori to Scala, three Redemptorist Missionaries of the Province of Bogota, Colombia, came to Ghana on 15th September, 1994, and were warmly welcomed in the Catholic Diocese of Ho by Most Rev. Francis Kofi Lodonu, Bishop Emeritus of Ho. They were initially assigned to work in Alavanyo to begin what we have today as the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana.

Subsequent years of work: moving to Sokode-Etoe, taking over the pastoral administration of Christ the King Catholic Church (a Mass center then), nurturing indigenous vocations and formation of native Redemptorists, have seen the seed that was planted by the pioneer missionary trios: Fathers Luis Enrique Tamayo, José Delgado and Juan Crisostomo Ramirez, grow and produce fruits, thus worthy of celebration.

It was thus a great day on Saturday, 28th September, 2019, in Ho when all road led to Christ the King Catholic Church, Mawuli Estate, to celebrate 25 years of Redemptorist presence and mission in Ghana under the theme: Homage to the Past and Hope for the Future.

This remarkable day saw the Silver Jubilee Celebrations marked with Holy Mass and Diaconate Ordination of one of our confreres: Bro. Peter Francis Agnes Oteng, C.Ss.R. Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Ho, and the ordaining prelate, presided over the Mass that was concelebrated by Redemptorists (members of the Mission and a well represented international delegation) and diocesan priests, in the Redemptorist-run parish. In attendance also were religious sisters, many parishioners, friends and families of Redemptorists, some members of the Confraternity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, and other invited guests.

In his homily, Bishop Fianu addressed the Redemptorist Missionaries as he thanked them for their missionary presence, witness and work in the Diocese and Ghana.

He referred to the death of Fr. Tamayo as the seed of the Mission, and underscored the decision of Fr. Crisostomo Ramirez who stayed behind after the death of Fr. Tamayo and the departure of Fr. Delgado, all as crucial events that paved way for the growth of the Redemptorist Mission in Ghana. The ordaining prelate called the mind and heart of the ordinandus to the duties of deacon and invited him to dedicated service in the Church as a minister of the Word. The rites of ordination were performed and thus elevated Bro. Oteng to the office of deacon; he was then vested with the stole and dalmatic by Fr. Christian Klu, C.Ss.R, the Mission Superior, to the delight of all.Immediately after Holy Mass, the second part of the celebrations was ushered in during which the congratulatory message from the Superior General and General Government was read by the delegate, Fr. Nicholas Ayouba, C.Ss.R (General Consultor for Africa and Madagascar). In that message, Father General, Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R, praised the Mission for this feat in her history. Glowing tributes were paid to the pioneer Redemptorists and all those who have worked in the Mission, especially to Fr. Juan Bautista Christancho for 15 years of missionary availability and work in Ghana. In other words of commendation, appreciation was extended to Emeritus Bishop Lodonu for accepting the first Redemptorists; and the efforts of friends, families, lay faithfuls, confraternities, groups and organizations in and outside Ghana who have supported the Mission were lauded.

A fundraiser was then launched to solicit for support for the missionary endeavours of the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana. It was then followed by refreshments and fraternal dialogue.

In the company of the glorious St. Alphonsus and all our holy confreres, we praise and thank God for all His blessings in good and bad times. With homage to the past 25 years of service, we count on the collaboration of the people of God, the renewed fraternity and commitment of our confreres, and the accompaniment of Mary, Our Mother of Perpetual Help as we look forward in hope for the future of the mission of Christ the Redeemer in Ghana.

Anniversary Communication Crew