Colombia: Meeting of Delegates of Redemptorist Youth Vocation Ministry


(Piedecuesta, Colombia) The delegates of the Redemptorist Youth Vocation Ministry (RYVM) met together in Piedecuesta, Santander from October 11 to 14. The central theme of the VII Meeting of RYVM was the leadership of the Redemptorist youth and the commitment to youth ministry. Participants of the gathering were Fr. Jairo Díaz C.Ss.R. from the Secretariat of Formation and Fr. Daniel Benavides C.Ss.R., in charge of the RYVM in Colombia.

Among the participants were present 25 young people from the parishes as follow: Our Mother of Perpetual Help of Popayán; Our Lady of Fatima of Pasto; Santa Ana of Cali; Our Mother of Perpetual Help of Barranquilla; Most Holy Redeemer of Cúcuta; Our Mother of Perpetual Help of Bucaramanga Relief; San Gerardo, San Alfonso, Saint Bernardita, the Most Holy Redeemer and Sacred Hearts of Bogotá.

Workshops that were offered at the meeting, were focused on pastoral, spiritual and psychological issues regarding the youth and vocational ministry. Their aim was to empower the participants and to help them to pass on the message and main ideas of this gathering to young people who could not be present.

Superior General, Fr. Michael Brehl C.Ss.R. in his message reminded us that the best way of evangelization is when it goes from the youth to the youth. In turn, the representatives of the provincial government, Fr. Luis Carlos Jaime C.Ss.R. and Fr. Héctor Bonilla C.Ss.R., invited young people to be protagonists of the evangelization that they could recognize and accept the Lord’s plan in their life as it did the Blessed Virgin Mary. Finally, they pointed out Jesus as the great leadership model.

We hope that the spirit and commitment of young people gathered at the meeting may be transmitted to each one of the Redemptorist communities to inspire all involved in the pastoral ministry.

Fr. Daniel Benavides, C.Ss.R.