MIRIAM Magazine – Special Edition 


(Lisbona, Portugal) A magazine called MIRIAM was born in Portugal in 1954. Although it didn’t survive the passing of time we brought it back to life on the 9th of November. This was the day to recall history, and simultaneously take a look forward to the future.

MIRIAM is a palpable piece of memory for so many in our Province. So, as we celebrate on this special day the foundation of our dear Congregation, we decided to make MIRIAM a sign of Hope. We have prepared a magazine in different languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian) with the collaboration of people of different experiences and testimonies from so many different places.

Witnesses of the Redeemer: “Solidarity for Mission in a Wounded World” is the theme of this sexennium, which is the reason why we went searching for these Witnesses throughout the world.

To be a witness is to put one’s life in the Truth. To give witness is to make one’s word count. To live our life as Witnesses of the Redeemer is both a challenge and a privilege of which we must be aware. There is a mission for us in the world. To let this pass by is to miss an opportunity of fulfilling ourselves as human beings and to be Christ’s tools in bringing the world to its purpose.

A request: don’t let MIRIAM burn in your hands and share it as one who presents our Redemptorist charisma.

http://www.cssr.pt/miriam/ miriam-4-versao-online/miriam- 4-versao-online:172

Sérgio Martins
Lay Missionary of the Most Holy Redeemer