Presentation of the new books – Alphonsian Academy


(Rome) The Alphonsian Academy hosted the presentation of two books, written by its professors. This event took place on November 22, 2019 in the Aula Magna of the Academy.

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Interview with P. Prof. Alfonso Amarante C.Ss.R., editor of the book Sacrament of reconciliation. Morality and pastoral practice for Scala News (in Italian):

Sacrament of reconciliation. Morality and pastoral practice – A. V. Amarante – F. Sacco (Ed)

The professors of the Alphonsian Academy, in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way, reflect on the practice of this sacrament. Starting from an overall biblical, historical and dogmatic framework, and guided by the indications of the Apostolic Exhortation Veritatis Gadium, the authors reflect on possible pastoral paths, apt to respond to the difficulties that the sacrament of the reconciliation meets in our context. They how this sacrament can be lived in pastoral praxis in a paschal perspective and at the same time inserting it in the priestly diaconia to the formation of the consciences of the faithful for their full maturity in Christ.

Desire and sequela. Breve introduzione alla vita morale – S. Zamboni

This book starts with the question of the rich young man who asks Jesus what must be done to have eternal life. It is every man’s question, it is the fundamental moral question.
Jesus answers calling the commandments first and then the invitation to follow him. From the analysis of the sense of the law we pass then to the essential relationship of man with Christ and to the invitation to realize the good in our life.

When we do not realize it, we move away from God and then we are invited to return to the paternal home. This house is the place where one experiences true freedom, life as children, characterized by faith, hope and charity.

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