Fr. Bruce Lewandowski named as auxiliary bishop of Baltimore


The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Baltimore, the United States of America, the Reverend Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., member of the province of Baltimore of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, currently ad interim delegate for Hispanic Ministry of the archdiocese of Baltimore and parish priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus / Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Parish in Highlandtown, Maryland, assigning him the titular see of Croe.

Reverend Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R.

The Reverend Fr. Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., was born on 8 June 1967 in Toledo, Ohio, in the diocese of the same name. On 10 September 1988, he gave his first vows as a Redemptorist for the province of Baltimore. He attended the Saint Alphonsus College in Suffield, Connecticut, and the Holy Redeemer College in Washington, carrying out his theological studies at the Washington Theological Union (1988-1994).

He was ordained a priest on 7 May 1994 in the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

He has held the following offices as a religious priest: parish vicar of the Saint Cecilia parish in Manhattan, New York (1994-1996) and of the Immaculate Conception parish in the Bronx (1996-1998); missionary service in Seelos House, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia, West Indies (1998-2000); pastor of the Saint Boniface parish in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2000-2006), of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in Kensington, Pennsylvania (2006-2011) and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus/Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Parish in Baltimore (since 2016); vicar for Cultural Ministries of the archdiocese of Philadelphia (2011-2015) and ad interim delegate for Hispanic Ministry of the archdiocese of Baltimore (since 2019).

See the Archdiocese of Baltimore Press Release; June 10, 2020