Spain: National recognition for its service to the Community


Perpetual Residence of Socorro de Santa Fe (Granada)

The Residence for the Elderly “Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro de Santa Fe”, owned by the Redemptorist Missionaries in Spain, houses 145 elderly people and has more than one hundred workers. During these months of the pandemic, it has been a national reference point for the good work of its Director, Mr. José Luis Pareja Rivas, Lay Missionary of the Most Holy Redeemer, and all the personnel of the Center.

In recognition of his excellent work, on June 18, Mr. José Repiso Torres, General Director of Social and Health Care of the Andalusian Ministry of Health and Family, and Mr. Indalecio Sánchez-Montesinos García, Territorial Delegate of Health and Family in Granada, were present at the Residence, accompanied at all times by Mr. José Luis Pareja.

They were pleasantly surprised by the facilities and the management that have been carried out from our Centre during the Covid-19 crisis. During the meeting, different topics related to the residential centers and the social-health coordination were discussed, which will be specified in a new visit that is planned for the next few weeks.