Priestly ordinations in the Vice-Province of West Africa

(from left to right) Fathers KOUROSSANGAMA Clément, and SAWADOGO François-Xavier (from Burkina Faso), N'GUESSAN Tanoh Descaves Alphonse (from Ivory Coast), KINKPE Eric Agossou (from Benin)

(Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) The confreres of the Vice-Province of West Africa were blessed with four more priests as the ordination of Clément, François-Xavier, Tanoh Descaves Alphonse, and Eric Agossou took place on 7th July 2020 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. His Eminence, Cardinal Philippe OUEDRAOGO, and Archbishop of Ouagadougou, was the main celebrant of the Holy Eucharistic celebration, concelebrated by the Redemptorist priests and the invited priests from the locality.

The Vice-Province of Afrique de l’Ouest currently has 68 members from 5 countries (Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Niger, and Togo), in 13 communities including 3 formation houses.

The ordained confreres were KOUROSSANGAMA Clément, and SAWADOGO François-Xavier (from Burkina Faso), N’GUESSAN Tanoh Descaves Alphonse (from Ivory Coast), KINKPE Eric Agossou (from Benin).

Dear confreres KOUROSSANGAMA Clément, SAWADOGO François-Xavier, N’GUESSAN Tanoh Descaves Alphonse, KINKPE Eric Agossou, we wish you a happy and fruitful ministry to all of you in your respective places and ministries, among our Christian communities.

May you continue to collaborate and render your service towards our Muslim brothers and sisters the followers of traditional religion. You may continue to witness Christ the Redeemer in your life and communicate the message of “Joy and Peace of the Gospel” to them all.

Through the maternal support and intercession of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, may God abundantly bless you and strengthen you to carry out the missionary work to bring about plentiful redemption to the poor and the most abandoned in today’s wounded world.

Fr. Marc Toguyeni