Spain: Christmas Campaign “Salta”



Dear brothers and sisters, one more year we put ourselves at the service of the mission with our Christmas Campaign. A very different year from what we have experienced in previous years, a hard, sad, and painful year for so many of us, our communities, and so many people.

It may be that for many people, collectives, families, these are times of despair. Still, we feel a new call of a life that leads us to continue our mission, we are given the possibility to face the challenges that reality presents us, in a new and creative way, and this is one of the characteristics that involve our Redemptorist charism to bring the Gospel, especially to the poorest and most abandoned.

Based on this intuition and keeping hope in the hearts of people of goodwill, we launch this Christmas Campaign by joining the challenges that Pope Francis offers us in this endeavour with the encyclical “All Brothers”.

This year we are invited to Jump! and it is not exactly a jump to the other side of the world as in previous years, this year we make the jump to solidarity and hope at home, in our Redemptorist community of Nazareth in Valencia.

We have a dream: to generate a plan of integral social intervention that unites and articulates all the initiatives of social action born within the parish under the name of “Obra Social Desamparados. Nazaret-La Punta”. Under this umbrella, these three areas of social ministry are included:

  • Parish Caritas and Mare Women’s Project
  • Parish school
  • Scout Iter Group

We attach the summary of the project so that you can love it, make it your own, transfer the illusion and hope to your communities for this dream.

We know that in the situation in which we are, it is difficult to reach the financing that this project requires. Still, the creativity and the desire are many and above all our commitment to our brothers and to the awareness that is part of our mission.

A fraternal greeting in Christ the Redeemer and may the time of Advent lead us to the certainty of new birth for humanity where there is more justice.

Permanent Board Team

Redemptorist NGO “Association for Solidarity

Presentation of the Campaign – *** – Summary of the project