Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli: The Conscience of a Nation, His Life and Letters


“Don Gennaro wants to convert the whole world in one fell swoop”
(Dominican Father Gregorio Rocco)

completed doctorates in canon and civil law at the University of Naples; they both gave up promising legal careers to dedicate themselves as priests to the most abandoned. Both were effective in using the “apostolate of the pen” for catechesis. Their topics, written in a pastoral style, were determined by firsthand experience in working among the people. Alphonsus produced an impressive number of books in his ninety-one years of life; remarkable, too, is how much Sarnelli published in his short lifespan of forty-one years. “By means of his extensive writings in the areas of spirituality, spiritual direction and social and political practice, he acted as a moral conscience to hundreds of thousands of his contemporaries,” notes J. Robert Fenili, CSsR, editor of Sarnelli’s life and letters.

The North American Commission on Redemptorist Spirituality is pleased to announce the publication of Volume 6 in the “Readings in Redemptorist Spirituality” series:

Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli: The Conscience of a Nation, His Life and Letters
Edited by J. Robert Fenili, CSsR

In the Introduction, Fr. Fenili explains that he worked on this first English translation of material from and about Blessed Gennaro Sarnelli to “introduce more Redemptorists … to a deeper appreciation of this important man. In his time, he was one of the most influential voices of his day for both Church and State.”
This book may be obtained through Liguori Publications at, or call 800-325-9521.

Blessed Gennaro Maria Sarnelli, Pray for us!