Commisioning of the three Indonesian confreres to the Province of St. Clement, Germany


(Indonesia) The Province of Indonesia joyfully celebrated the commisioning ceremony of the three confreres to the province of St. Clement during the Holy Eucharistic celebrations on January 13, 2021, at the Blessed Gaspar Novitiate chapel, Wanno Gaspar. They are Fr. Eman Poety, Fr. Adolfian Niron, and Fr. Gabriel Keraf (Noker). Eman and Fian will serve in Bonn and Noker will serve at Kirchellen.

“All the things we learn, both philosophy and theology, ultimately lead us to become excellent missionaries. That is why we are Redemptorists, ”said P. Kimy, during the memorial mass of Fr. Carlos Gabriel Ranquillo, known as Fr. Caloy. As a moral theologian, he taught many of our Indonesian confreres during their course in Davao.

Many confreres attended the commissioning Mass. In his message, the provincial hoped and prayed that all confreres would always live with the apostolic zeal following St. Alphonsus in the footsteps of Christ the Redeemer. “Every Redemptorist missionary must have the passion to carry out the work entrusted to him with dedication and commitment. I encourage you all to go forward and do it”, he said.

Wishing you all the very best for your missionary works. May the blessing of Almighty be with you always and the company of Mother of Perpetual Help be with you on your missionary journey.

Fr. Willy Pala CSsR