29th World Day of the Sick


11th February 2021
  “You have but one teacher and you are all brothers” (Mt: 23:8)

As practiced during the previous years, this year also, on 11th February, CHAI and CBCI of India, jointly celebrate the 29th World Day of the Sick, in every local Church, parish, and institutions, especially the health care institutions. The World Day of the Sick is an awareness or observation day started by Pope John Paul II as a way to offer prayers for the sick and the suffering. 11th February is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of the Sick also reminds us to see the face of Christ in those who suffer.

The theme of this year’s celebration is:
A trust-based relationship to guide care for the sick

CHAI and CBCI Health have jointly prepared a poster and prayer service, along with the Pope’s message, for this occasion. Please download the print files of the same by clicking the links below. We encourage you to print the poster and display it in your institutions, and also conduct a prayer service in your institution, parish, and community, to show our solidarity with the sick, and with Pope Francis.

We fondly remember Sr Dr. Mary Glowrey JMJ, Servant of God, the founder of CHAI on this occasion. 11th February 2021, is also the completion of the year-long celebration of the 100th year of her arrival in India. Let us pray that Sr Dr. Mary Glowrey may soon be raised to sainthood and continue to intercede for CHAI and the healthcare mission of the Church.

Click here to download the Poster

Click here to download the Prayer

Click here to download the Prayer – Print file

Rev Dr. Mathew Abraham, C.Ss.R
Director-General, CHAI  (Catholic Health Association of India)

(Rev. Dr. Mathew, a Redemptorist from the Province of Bangalore who continues as Director-General for another term of 5 years, till 30 April 2026. Do visit to know more about CHAI – www.chai-india.org)