Installation of the new COREAM Coordinator in Kenya


(Nairobi, Kenya) On last Thursday evening, 25th February, the newly appointed Coordinator of the Noel Sottima Koutre, C.Ss.R. was officially installed at our House in Karen, Nairobi, Kenya by Nicolas Ayouba, C.Ss.R., General Consultor. During a concelebrated Mass, attended by confreres from Nigeria, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burkina-Niger, Benin and India and 27 formees, Fr Noel pronounced Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity as the new Superior of COREAM.

Fr. Nicolas Ayouba, in his homily, reflecting on the word of God of the day, emphasized the fact that every Redemptorist should be men of prayer and be faithful to the mission entrusted to them. Though Africa-Madagascar is not the most difficult Conference it has its own challenges and issues. Quoting the letter of appointment of Noel by Fr General, Nicolas thanked Noel for his generosity in accepting this responsibility during the middle of the quadrennium. (The need for a new Coordinator took place due to the sad and sudden demise of the former Coordinator, Fr Zephirin Luyila. May his soul rest in peace!)

Noel Sottima is well versed in both English and French. He was the translator of all COREAM meetings from 2012. He will be staying in our community in Nairobi, Kenya, where the COREAM office is situated.

At the end of the Eucharist, Nicolas handed over to Noel the keys and documents of COREAM. Fr. Paul P., the Mission Superior of Kenya, welcomed Noel to Kenya and to the community at Karen and promised him whole-hearted support of the members of Kenya Mission. A delicious dinner arranged by the Prefect and students at Karen made the day very memorable.

Fr Paul P. CSsR.