Brother Michael celebrated 60 years of religious profession


(Hue, Vietnam) A thanksgiving Mass was held to celebrate Brother Michael Nguyen Van Thien, CSsR, for the 60 years of his Religious Profession as a Redemptorist Brother on March 19, 2021.

Brother Michael was born in Hue on April 22, 1936. He took the First Profession on March 19, 1961. Living 60 years in the Redemptorist, Brother Michael marks a religious life full of joy, meekness, simplicity, and humility.

During many past years, Brother Michael was like God’s messenger sent just in time to the places where the government forbade the priests to exercise their ministries. He helped the people, teaching Catechism, visiting the sick and elderly. He identifies himself as “a younger brother” before everybody.

We are grateful for Brother Michael’s life of faithful service in various ministries and for the authentic witness to the life of the Redemptorist.

Fr. Dominic, CSsR.