The March edition of Reality magazine is now available


If you want to prepare for Holy Week and Easter, the March issue of Reality offers you many useful resources.

A distinguished Irish authority on the Church’s worship, Fr Patrick Jones, explains how a change in the timing of the Holy Week services sixty years ago, radically altered how we celebrate this Great Week.

For many people, Lent is a time to rediscover the passion story, and biblical scholar, Anthony O’Leary, a Passionist priest, takes his cue from a well-known picture of the passion, while Paul Clogher surveys how the cinema has treated the story of the Cross. Fr John Schmidt brings to life the timeless symbols of the Easter Vigil.

The Reflections page might even give you some food for thought for St Patrick’s Day. As we approach the centenary of the Easter Rising, we are reminded that 1916 was the Golden Jubilee of the rediscovery of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and some distinguished Irish men celebrated that anniversary.

There are many other interesting articles including the Medjugorge Youth Festival, refugee relief in Syria and living like St Patrick.

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