Mons. Darci José Nicioli, C.Ss.R. new Archbishop of Diamantina (Brazil)


His Excellency Mons. João Bosco Óliver de Faria’s resignation from the Archdiocese of Diamantina (Brasile) was accepted by Pope Francis.  His Excellency Mons. Darci José Nicioli, C.SS.R., the titular Bishop of Fico and Auxiliar of the Archdiocese of Aparecida has now been appointed as Metropolitan  Archbishop of Diamantina (Brazil) .

His Excellency Mons. Darci José Nicioli, C.Ss.R.

His Excellency Mons. Darci José Nicioli, C.SS.R., was born on May 1°,  1959 in the city of Jacutinga, Archdiocese of Pouso Alegre, in the State of Minas Gerais. He was professed as a Redemptorist on January 31st, 1982 and was ordained as priest on March 8, 1986.

He studied Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1977-1980) and Theology at ITESP – “Instituto Teológico São Paulo” (1982-1985). He also obtained the Licence in Sacramental Theology at the Anselmianum in Rome (1986-1988).

He has held various offices  and has served as a Parish Vicar, Professor of theology, Rector of the Seminary of Philosohy; Superior of the Religious Community; Provincial Counselor; Superior of the Redemptorist General House in Rome; Administrator and Rector of the National Shrine  “Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida”; and the Vice-Provincial.

On November 14 2012 was appointed as Titular Bishop of Fico and Auxiliar of the Archdiocese of Aparecida and received the episcopal ordination on February 3rd 2013. He is the President of the Commission for the Social Communication of the Brazilian Bishops Conference.