Leaders of the RYVM met in Córdoba


(Córdoba, Argentina) – “Called to the mission, we accompany you from the heart” – was the motto of the meeting of Redemptorist Youth and Vocation Ministry leaders from the units of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Vice-Province of Resistencia took place in Villa Allende, Córdoba.

From October 8-11, all the leaders of the RYVM of Argentina met in the city of Villa Allende, in the Convent of San Alfonso. – We lived beautiful fraternal moments, and we are looking forward to the future unification of our Units to be one province. From the restructuring perspective, we talked about the challenges of the pastoral ministry for and with the young people.

We pray to God that all these efforts will bring abundant fruit for all the Redemptorist communities of Argentina.

Fr. Jorge Cardozo, C.Ss.R.