30th anniversary of Radio Maria in Poland


It is 30 years of service, a story of people full of faith and hope. In Toruń, Poland, Radio Maryja celebrated its jubilee on 4 December 2021. The Holy Mass, which was the central moment of the celebrations, was presided over by the Msgr. Mieczysław Mokrzycki, Archbishop of Lviv.

Radio Maryja builds unique bonds between God and man and between man and man. That is why so many people personally wanted to be in Toruń on the 30th anniversary of the Catholic broadcasting station. They wanted to show that they constitute a strong community. A Radio Maria family prays together and obtains graces for Poland and the world. Therefore, Fr. Tadeusz Rydzyk C.Ss.R., director, asked Mary for zeal so that Radio Maria would continue to lead people to God.

The 30th anniversary of the Radio Maryja celebrations took place in the Arena Toruń (a city stadium). Pilgrims came from all over Poland. They prayed the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy together. 

At the beginning of the prayer, the relics of the Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński were brought to the altar. Anna Rastawicka, who cooperated with blessed Stefan, recalled his words: “New times will come, they require new lights, new strengths, God will give them in his time”.

These times require courageous witnesses, the apostolate of the laity – pointed out the founder of Radio Maryja, Fr. Tadeusz Rydzyk C.Ss.R., who received the relics.

The central point of the celebration was a Holy Mass. It was presided over by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Lviv, Archbishop Mieczysław Mokrzycki. In his homily, he pointed out that the tasks of a Catholic broadcasting station should include shaping noble attitudes and the right conscience. Archbishop Mieczysław Mokrzycki invited the whole Radio Maryja Family to such service.

These 30 years have not been wasted – said the Provincial of the Warsaw Province of the Redemptorists, Fr. Janusz Sok C.Ss.R. – Faith, truth, goodness, conscience, are our roots, without which we cannot and do not want to live.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Radio Maryja, President Andrzej Duda has sent a letter in which he wrote that the Catholic radio station courageously reminds about Christian foundations of the European civilisation.

Radio Maria in Toruń, Poland, is the only nationwide Catholic radio station founded 8 December 1991. It belongs to the Warsaw Province of the Redemptorists. Its founder and director is Father Tadeusz Rydzyk C.Ss.R.

Source: redemptor.pl/radiomaryja.pl
Photos: Monika Tomaszek/Radio Maryja