Six new Redemptorists ordained in Poland


On the eve of Trinity Sunday, June 11, 2022, in the courtyard of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tuchów, in the presence of numerous priests and faithful, took place the ceremony of priestly ordination of six Redemptorist deacons.

They were ordained by Marek Solarczyk, Bishop of Radom, who in his homily reminded the newly ordained priests of the importance of the great mystery of God’s love and the undeserved gift that they receive. Recalling his own episcopal vocation: “Omnia possibilia credenti” (All things are possible for him who believes), the consecrator emphasized that the gift and mystery of the priesthood can be accepted and beautifully realized in an attitude of humble trust in faith.

Fr. Janusz Sok, C.Ss.R., Superior of the Warsaw Province of the Redemptorists, expressed his pride and joy at the consecration of the six new confreres and wished them fruitful collaboration in creative amazement at the mystery of their new priestly life.

The Rector of the Major Seminary, Fr. Maciej Sadowski, C.Ss.R., gave to new priests the message taken from famous Polish priest and poet Jan Twardowski: “Wash people’s feet, do not stretch out your own so that they may wash yours…”. The Rector also wished his confreres, following the example of St. Alphonsus Liguori: May you say today and on the last day of your long priestly and religious life: “My Jesus, for love of you I left everything. You are my only Love. And You are enough for me.”

The newly ordained Redemptorist priests are: Fr. Ireneusz Krzywoń, Fr. Karol Łukaszczyk, Fr. Grzegorz Pruś, Fr. Patryk Reczek, Fr. Marcin Wojdan, Fr. Norbert Żuklinski.

In the joy of this exceptional event for all Redemptorists, with gratitude for the priestly and Redemptorist vocation of our six new priests, we commend them to the unfailing and unceasing protection of the Mother of Tuchów, together with a heartfelt prayer for more numerous and holy vocations to our missionary Congregation.

Fr. Maciej Sadowski, C.Ss.R.,
Rector of the Major Redemptorist Seminary in Tuchów, Poland

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