Argentina: 47th National Meeting of Young Redemptorists


“With the gaze of the Redeemer we find ourselves in love”, was the motto that accompanied more than 100 participants including young people, counsellors, priests, and religious and lay people from 12 to 15 August gathered at San Alfonso Convent of Villa Allende , Cordoba (Argentina).
Enlightened by the reading of Jesus’ encounter with Bartimaeus (Mk 10: 46-52), various themes were addressed, starting with recognizing how we found ourselves after these years of living the pandemic, and how to bond with ourselves and with others. Finally, we received the call to be transformers in this wounded world, through the formation of charism and leadership.

Various moments included prayer, Eucharistic celebration, adoration, personal reflection, group activities, recreation (such as a bonfire night), and workshops. We thank God for these days of the meeting, sharing, and celebrating His presence in our life.

We share with you the words of the Provincial Superior, Marcelo Pomar, at the farewell Mass: “We began the encounter with that text by Bartimaeus, and there are those who say that Jesus had a very coherent gaze, aware of reality. In the parable, for example, of the seed, we see that the Sower sows on the road, among the thorns, among the stones and a small part falls into good soil, says Jesus. And then… He immediately tells us the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
Jesus has a very conscious gaze on a reality that is not always easy, not homogeneous, but nothing obscures the gaze of God. That realistic look does not succeed in tarnishing a confident aspect. The text we read today ends by saying that whoever does not want the light is aware of doing evil, whoever does good walks in the light.
Imagine you have a lighthouse: if I turn my back to the light, I cast shadows in front of me. If I turn my back on the light, I force myself to always go behind my shadows. But if I face the light, the shadows follow. This is a bit of life, we all have shadows, but will we let them guide us, or will we carry the shadows with dignity knowing that we are facing the light?

This meeting definitely puts us in front of Jesus. Do not be afraid to face Jesus Christ, says Pope Francis, it will not take anything away from you, it will make your life much fuller. For this, in closing this meeting, I thank first those who made it possible: the brothers who accompany each of the communities, those members that you have in your communities who are the counsellors and animators, who accompany and listen to you with a young spirit.

With a clearer vision of our life, placing ourselves decisively in the light of Christ the Redeemer, we receive his blessing. When we return to our communities, we will have the same or more problems as before, but we are the ones who will not return the same.
This is the difference, our eyes have cleared up and for this we thank God. May the Lord always give you the light of his presence, bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen”

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