Indigenous and Migrants: Theme of the Provincial Chapter, Mexico 2022


Indigenous and migrants

The XXIV Provincial Chapter of the Redemptorists of Mexico was held from 22 to 26 August in the Redemptorist community of Santísimo Redentor, located in Mexico City. Present were the Provincial Father José Guadalupe Nazarín Ramos, his Council, and the Chapter confreres. In addition, we have the presence of guests: the Provincial Superior of Denver, Fr. Stephen Rehrauer, and the coordinator of the Conference of Redemptorists of North America, Fr. Jack Kingsbury. In this Chapter, Mexican Redemptorists confirm that our missionary priority lies in caring for Indigenous people and migrants.

For this reason, we have decided to open new spaces of attention:

– A mission station among the Nahua natives of the mountains north of Puebla in southern Mexico.

-A missionary station among migrants on the northern border of Mexico together with the Redemptorists of the provinces of Denver, Baltimore, Extra Patriam and Canada.

-An international community of the North American Conference in Trinidad and Tobago in which Spanish-speaking migrants will participate, among others.

In the same meeting, we decided to reactivate our popular missions, in which all Mexican Redemptorists regularly participate. In our communities, as in our missionary processes, we have proposed to put all our efforts to better serving our missionary priority.

In an atmosphere that is always fraternal and prayerful, we concluded by thanking God for our call as evangelizers of the poor.

Roberto Morales Guerra, CSsR