Scheduled program for the 2nd week of the 26th General Chapter


After the first week of opening of the XXVI General Chapter, the Chapter members were led through few important aspects of the Chapter. They were opening of the Chapter with the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Michael Brehl, CSsR, a two-day retreat preached by Fr. Daniel Huang SJ, report by the Superior General Fr. Michael Brehl, and the report by the General Curia Treasurer Fr. Vincente Soria, CSsR. 

Rejuvenated by the first week of General Chapter presentations and discussion, the Chapter members began the first day of the chapter with the morning prayer at 8.30 am in the central hall. The members gathered together once again to discuss the first of five important topics i.e., Our Redemptorist Identity.  

These important topics are the work of the first phase gatherings of the Chapter in the various Conferences. They are: 1. Our Redemptorist Identity, 2. Our Redemptorist Mission, 3. Our Redemptorist Religious Life, 4. Formation for Mission, 5. Leadership for Mission. 

After the day’s discussion and presentations, the chapter members will gather to know and learn each conference followed by discussion and clarification. During the second week of the Chapter, lay partners in mission representing all the five Conferences will take part in the entire sessions. We keep all chapter members in our prayers for a successful week ahead.  

Attached PDF is the News Bulletin of the Week One: