Media Meeting in Aparecida reflects on evangelization and communication


The reconfiguration of the Redemptorist provinces poses challenges to the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on several fronts. One of them is communication, a pillar of the evangelization of Saint Alphonsus and the base of life in the society.

With this in mind, the Redemptorist Media Subcommittee of the Provinces of São Paulo and Rio, and of the Vice Province of Bahia, organized a Media Meeting, which took place between September 26 and 29, at the Casa de Hospedagem Santo Afonso, in Aparecida (SP).

The theme “Communication for Reconfiguration” guided the work of the group, which included the participation of priests, brothers, collaborators, Redemptorist laity, as well as communication professionals. The assistance and mediation of the meeting was in charge of Brother Diego Joaquim, C.Ss.R, of the Province of Goiás. He spoke of the importance of this meeting between the provinces and the vice province:

“This meeting was precisely to discuss how this process of restructuring that the congregation is experiencing reaches the missionary work that we carry out in the professional media, on radio, television, the internet, but also in the work carried out by pastoral care and communication, in the teams from our parishes and sanctuaries” (Brother Diego Joaquim, Communicator)

The Meeting provided moments of richness and exchange of ideas among the participants, who were able to get to know each other, interact and, most importantly, point out directions for the reconfiguration process. In groups, the teams discussed the main challenges for this new moment. Subsequently, the rich suggestions were disseminated to all the representatives.

In addition to moments of fellowship and prayer, the Media Meeting also offered a circuit of visits to the media linked to the National Sanctuary of Aparecida, such as Editora Santuário, Rádio Aparecida, TV Aparecida and Portal A12.

“I was able to get in touch with other provinces and other people, who have similar and different realities to ours and this really enriched our content. It was a moment of exchange of experiences, in addition to the possibility of knowing the backstage of the media. All of this is very enriching and we can reflect and adapt to reality at the parish pastoral level”, said Larissa Cabral, a laywoman from the Vice Province of Bahia, for the Ressureição do Senhor Parish, in Ondina (BA).

Now, the Media Commission will meet on October 27, in Rio de Janeiro, to extract the report that will be sent to the Central Commission for Reconfiguration of the provinces.
