Beatification of twelve Redemptorist Martyrs in Madrid


The Cathedral of Santa María la Real de la Almudena will host this Saturday, 22 October, at 11:00 (local time, UTC +2), the solemn Eucharist of beatification of twelve Redemptorist martyrs martyred in Madrid in 1936. The ceremony, which will be presided over by the Apostolic Delegate, the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, can also be followed on the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel.

Eucharistic Celebration and Beatification – a booklet in Spanish

Beatification painting (tapestry)

Among others, the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Carlos Osoro; the Superior General of the Redemptorists, Rogério Gomes, CSsR; the Provincial Superior of Madrid, Francisco Javier Caballero, CSsR, and the parish priest of Perpetuo Socorro, Damián Cubillo, CSsR, will concelebrate. In addition, a representation of the families and places of origin of the new Blesseds is expected to attend.

The parish shrine of Perpetual Help (Madrid, Manuel Silvela Str. 14), run by the Redemptorists, will host a prayer vigil for young people this Friday, 21 October, at 20:30 hours, and this Sunday, 23 October, World Mission Sunday, at 12:00 hours (local time, UTC +2), the Mass of thanksgiving presided by Father Gomes, can also be followed on the YouTube channel of the Redemptorist Missionaries, Madrid Province.

Antonio Manuel Quesada, CSsR, vice-postulator of the cause, defines the future blessed as “very normal people who lived their mission doing what they had to do: the priests announcing the Gospel and the brothers collaborating with their prayer” (see the whole article in Spanish on ‘Alfa y Omega’. website).

Biographies of the Redemptorist martyrs