Poland: Workshop for Redemptorist missionaries


(Torun, Poland) Fr. Marcin Klamka, CSsR, professor of dogmatic theology at the Redemptorist Major Seminary in Tuchow, was the guide for the annual meeting for missionaries and retreat directors, held at the religious house in Toruń from November 7-9. The gathering theme reflected the motto of the new pastoral year in Poland, that refers to the creed: I believe in one Church of Jesus Christ.

Theological introduction and suggestions for the various themes for the Advent and Lent retreat were followed by creative work in groups. Its objective was discussion and prepare proposals for a framework for sermons and conferences linked to the theme of the pastoral year. The workshop participants will develop their own sermons, materials and retreat reflections on this base.

At the meeting was present Fr Witold Hetnar, CSsR, Provincial Consultor, who gave the homily during the Eucharist at the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Torun. The organisation of the workshop, in which 17 fathers participated, was handled by the Secretariat of Missions and Retreats of our Province under the direction of Fr. Wojciech Bieszke, CSsR.

Redemptorist homiletic workshops are organised annually. It is the way of active involvement of Redemptorists to implement the pastoral program of the Church in the field of preaching, as well as an element of the formation of retreat directors and missionaries. The next meeting will be the annual missionary convention in Krakow, scheduled in early February 2023.

The proclamation of the Word of God through popular missions and retreats is the main priority of the Warsaw Province of Redemptorists and one of the ways of fulfilling the charism of our religious institute – to follow the example of the Redeemer and preach the Gospel to the poor and the most abandoned.

Every year the Polish Redemptorists conduct about 100 popular missions and a similar number of mission renewals, and they give about 700 retreat series of various kinds. The Warsaw Province runs the so-called Pastoral Tirocinium in Lublin – an internal two-year study program where the confreres receive further formation for the missionary-retreat apostolate.

Fr. Sylwester Cabała, CSsR