Albania: Visit of the Superior General, Fr Rogério Gomes CSsR


Our community in Albania hosted our newly elected Superior General of the Redemptorist Congregation, Fr Rogério Gomes CSsR. It was a fraternal visit from 18-21 November 2022.

During these few days, we spent time together talking about the realities of life in Albania, the problems and the joys that accompany us. In between breaks in the rain, we visited the country’s capital Tirana and Kruje, a historical site.

Fr. Rogério could see what our work in the parish is like. He participated in catechesis with the children, starting with a prayer and greeting all the children. He then decided to visit each group, introducing himself, talking about his life, and answering many questions the children asked.

On Sunday, he participated in the Masses, where he gave homilies, sharing his faith with those who came to our church. After the Masses, he visited our young people participating in the diocesan youth meeting held in Durres.

Fr. General was also able to meet the sisters who minister in our parish – on Monday, we had a Mass together with the contemplative and active sisters of the Congregation of the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará. He also visited the Franciscan Sisters.

The fraternal visit of the Superior General was an important time for us to rejoice together in work in Albania. We were also pleased to see the interest in this mission from the management of our Congregation.

Fr. Zbigniew Kwiecień CSsR, Albania (