First Assembly of the Redemptorist Province Bolivia – Peru


From January 9 to 14, in Cieneguilla – Peru, the Redemptorist missionaries are meeting to establish and plan the new activities for 2023.

The meeting was held from the 9th to the 14th of January 2023 in Cieneguilla, Lima, in the Alvernia retreat house of the Franciscan nuns. We gathered 73 fathers from the Vice-Provinces of Northern and Southern Peru and the Province of Bolivia. For the 1st Assembly of the future Province Bolivia-Peru.

It is a time for living together, fraternity, meeting, fraternising, and a mid-morning retreat preached by Fr. Provincial of Madrid, Francisco Javier Caballero. We spent some time working on the directories of formation, economy, apostolic plan and the structure of the statutes of the government.

It was an opportunity to receive what the commissions of liturgy, communication, youth ministry and shared mission have prepared. We thank all the confreres for their availability, openness and presence, which helped us live in a beautiful atmosphere of brotherhood. We thank the major Superiors of the Vices and Province for preparing the meeting and those who worked in the various commissions and directories. Thanks to Fr. Francisco Javier Caballero for accompanying us during these days.

Fr. Juan Carlos Ortiz CSsR
Superior of the Vice-Province of Peru Nord