Brazil: Redemptorists Bishops present at the 54th General Assembly of the CNBB


Aparecida – “We sincerely hope that this meeting will help us to support and enhance the mission of the laity. There cannot be an “outgoing Church” without the help of the laity, and a just and fraternal society if the laity are not salt and light”. This is what the Archbishop of Brasilia and President of the Brazilian Bishops’ Conference (CNBB), His Exc. Mgr. Sergio da Rocha expressed during the opening session of the 54th Ordinary Assembly of the CNBB, which takes place from 6 to 15 April in Aparecida on the theme “Christian laity in the Church and in society. Salt of the earth and light of the world”.

Currently there are 12 Redemptorist bishops in Brazil.
In this photo we can see the Brasilian bishops present at the 54th General Assembly of the CNBB (Catholic Bishops Conference), meeting in Aparecida, San Paolo.

From left to right:
Msgr. Marcos Piatek, Bishop of the diocese of Coari, Amazonas.
Msgr. Zenildo, coadjutor bishop of the Prelature of Borba, Amazonas;
Msgr. Joercio G. Pereira, emeritus bishop of the diocese of Coari, Amazonas;
Msgr. José Luiz F. Salles, Bishop of the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco;
Msgr. Gutemberg F. Regis, retired bishop of the diocese of Coari, Amazonas;
Msgr. Fernando Guimarães, bishop of the diocese military of Brazil, Brasilia;
Msgr. Darci J. Niciolli, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Diamantina, Minas Gerais;
Msgr. Ceslau Stanula, bishop of the diocese of Itabuna, Bahia;
Msgr. Henrique A. de Lima, bishop of the diocese of Dourados, Mato Grosso.;
Mons. José Luiz Majella Delgado, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Pouso Alegre, Minas Gerais.

In this photo are missing Mons. José Carlos de Oliveira, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Rubiataba / Mozarlândia, in Goias and Msgr. Lelis Lara, retired bishop of the Diocese of Coronel Fabriciano, Minas Gerais.

F. Rogerio