Oblate Sisters walk for the dignity of trafficked persons


Once again this year, on February 8, the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer join in the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Trafficking in Persons in keeping with our mission to accompany women in contexts of prostitution or are victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

The World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Trafficking in Persons, which is celebrated every year on February 8 on the day of the liturgical commemoration of St. Bakhita, a Sudanese nun who, as a child, lived the dramatic experience of being kidnapped and enslaved, has become the universal symbol of the Church’s commitment against human trafficking.

“Walking for Dignity”

The theme of this edition, chosen by an international group of young people involved in the fight against trafficking, is “Walking for dignity”.

The steps, the journey and the path shared between those involved in anti-trafficking and those who are victims and survivors. All of this is at the heart of this day, which will see thousands of people from around the world, in many parishes, communities and groups, come together, reflect, pray and send a message to the world to counter this global phenomenon.

This year, for the first time since its creation in 2015 at the request of Pope Francis, 15 young people from all continents and representatives of partner organisations will gather in Rome for a week of meetings and training on human trafficking.

At the end of the week, the group will launch the declaration of commitment that will begin preparing for the 10th anniversary of the Day (JMPRCTP).

Online prayer pilgrimage

The week’s focal point will be the online Prayer and Reflection Pilgrimage on Wednesday, February 8, the feast of St. Bakhita, the universal symbol of the Church’s commitment against human trafficking.

The prayer pilgrimage will begin at 9:30 CET and, crossing the different time zones, will cover all continents, starting with Oceania, then Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Latin America, and ending at 16:30 in North America. The event will be streamed live in 5 languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Italian) on www.prayagainsttrafficking.net
