Redemptorists have a new Provincial in Ecuador


The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer has a new Provincial Superior, Fr. Geovanny Curimilma, C.Ss.R. On Tuesday, February 7, he entered the office of Superior of the Province of Quito in Ecuador. The installation took place in the convent chapel in the city of Cuenca, at the St Alphonsus parish in the historic city centre, in the presence of the previous Provincial Fr. Rafael Nieto CSsR, and local superiors of the communities of Quito, Ambato, Riobamba, Cuenca, Loja, Guayaquil, Manta and Vinces.

Fr. Geovanny Curimilma, C.Ss.R., was born in 1967, professed in 1989 and was ordained priest in 1996. Before being elected Provincial, he was the Superior in the Andean city of Riobamba.

The Redemptorists have been in Ecuador for 153 years. Their presence was initiated in Riobamba, where Father Pedro Didier and Brother Teófilo arrived on July 15 1870. The first Riobamba community was made up of 5 religious men of 5 nationalities, Fr. Pedro Didier (Luxembourg), Fr. Celestino Etienne (Belgium), Fr. Bivona (Sicilia-Italia), Bro. Teófilo (Alsace – France), and Bro Álvaro Tornero (Spain).

An important task for the new Provincial is to continue the restructuring process of the Congregation, which locally will result in uniting the Province of Quito with the Units of Venezuela and Colombia.
