New Redemptorist priest in Paraguay

Ramón Darío Chamorro Verón, CSsR

On Saturday, February 25, 2023, at the Virgen del Carmen Parish, Carmen del Paraná, Paraguay, deacon Ramón Darío Chamorro Verón CSsR was ordained priest. The whole local community, together with a group of Redemptorists who came from neighbouring countries, celebrated this event.

At the beginning of the ordination rites, the Redemptorist deacon Ramón Darío Chamorro Verón was presented to the bishop of the diocese of Encarnación, Msgr. Francisco Javier Pistilli Scorzara by the superior, Fr. Osvaldo Duarte CSsR.

Bishop Pistilli Scorzara said in his homily: It is good to support the vocation of our brother Deacon Ramón Darío Chamorro Verón. The vocation is a treasure that God gives us, but we must have faith to embrace this call.
It is not we who develop the mission; it is God who must act in us. We may be very capable, but it is Christ who must act in us.

After the ordination, Father Osvaldo took the floor to thank the bishop and those present. He commented that the Redemptorists feel identified with the diocese of Encarnación, where they have been working for many years.
He concluded by saying that the witness of the new priest Ramón, may encourage other young people from the community to respond to the Lord’s call.

We pray for newly ordained Fr. Ramon and also pray for an increase in priestly and religious vocations for the church and the congregation. In Christ, there is abundant redemption with Him! Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us!