Redemptorists in the South of South America: One province, one mission


These days, we are gathered in the Redemptorist province of Santiago de Chile, more precisely in the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lo Vasquez, having a new assembly. We are members of the different units of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

We have met to pray together and to take some decisions regarding the new Unit to which we are heading in order to continue living our mission within the Church with more dynamism and vitality. We are aware that we carry out this mission together with you, dear lay people and religious. That is why each of you, responding to your vocation, puts at the service of the Church and the Congregation your gifts, dedication, and prayers, enriching this kingdom that we are building as a single missionary body.

We entrust ourselves to your prayers, guided and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. We may give sure and concrete answers, attending to the signs of the times, the needs and the realities of each region in which we live.
We place under the protection of Our Lady of the South, all the decisions that will be taken, the mission of this new Province of the Congregation and the life of all, so that we may reach a happy conclusion.
Greetings and blessings.

Vice Province of Resistencia