Brazil: Redeptorists run the project to provide food security for more than 120 children


‘Hunger of Love’ generates food and nutritional security for children in vulnerable situations in the state of Espírito Santo; with this title on the website of the Brazilian Bishops’ Conference, the bishops report on an ongoing project by the Redemptorists.

The ‘Hunger for Love’ project is one of those approved by the Board of Directors of the National Solidarity Fund (SNSF) to receive resources from the National Solidarity Collection of the Fraternity Campaign 2022. It was developed to respond to the needs of children and adolescents living in a situation of social and economic vulnerability in the neighbourhood of Nova Rosa da Penha in the state of Espírito Santo.

“Hunger of Love’ provides food and nutritional security to around 120 children and adolescents in the neighbourhood. Breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner are offered daily to those who come to the Obra Social Centro Nova Geração of the Redemptorist Congregation, who implement the project.

In the space, in addition to the daily meal (morning and afternoon), snacks and meals are also served for bi-monthly meetings, parties and external events with parents and the community in general.

The project has the approval of the Redemptorist Congregation for its strengthening and continuity, which provides the physical space and equipment for its implementation, as well as a team of professionals to accompany and monitor it through regular meetings.

“Hunger for Love” is one of the projects chosen by the National Solidarity Fund (FNS) of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), with social impact, based on helping situations of food insecurity and social vulnerability.

This year, inspired by the Fraternity Campaign 2023, whose motto is the fight against hunger, the National Solidarity Collection is held in Catholic communities on 2 April, Palm Sunday. With your donation, you help the Church to satisfy the hunger of more people in Brazil through projects like these supported by the National Solidarity Fund.


The Redemptorist Congregation has an active and transforming action in the ‘world wounded’ by social inequality. In Espírito Santo (Brazil), the Redemptorists are in Nova Rosa da Penha/Cariacica-ES, where they serve, with apostolic zeal, the Parish of the Holy Family and the Social Work Centre of Nova Geração. The Redemptorist presence is recognised worldwide for its strong role in communication, evangelisation, mission and social work. Every month in Nova Rosa da Penha, the Santa Dulce dos Pobres Social Work and the New Generation Centre (CNG) directly serve almost 300 families. There are more than 1,200 beneficiaries.