Preparation for Final profession and the Formees Gathering in the Vice Province of Majella, India


Vocation is a gift of God. Having made their first profession a few years ago, five of our seminarians decided to commit themselves to the Lord for life. In preparation for their final vows, the five of them had one month of intense preparation at St Gerard Majella Study House, Varca, Goa, India. This year the Vice Province of Majella hosted the one-month preparation course for Final Profession as a Joint Inter Unit collaboration among the 3 Units of India (Bangalore, Liguori, and Majella). It was a joy to have a confrere from Malaysia-Singapore also to participate in the program as a sign of Inter Unit collaboration in Formation in the Conference of Asia Oceania.

The preparation began on the 1st of May and concluded on the 30th of May 2023. Of the five seminarians, three (Ravi Teja, Nirmal, and Kevin) belong to the Province of Bangalore, one (Jackson) belongs to the Vice Province of Majella and one (Antony Charles) belongs to the Vice Province of Singapore-Malaysia.

In order to help the seminarians in their discernment process, the resource persons took sessions on Consecrated life, Discipleship, Vows, Psycho- sexual integration, Community life, and the Redemptorist mission. These, very interesting and interactive sessions, helped the seminarians to understand their life and task as Missionaries of hope in the present world. There were also fruitful discussions on the Sexennial theme of our congregation. The preparation concluded with the Retreat.

As four of these five seminarians (from the Province of Bangalore and the Vice Province of Majella) will make their Final Profession on the 10th of June in Bangalore, India, we pray that they may joyfully persevere in their commitment till the last breath. The confrere from Malaysia Singapore will make his Final Profession in his Vice Province at a later date.

Formees Gathering

In the Vice Province of Majella, we had our annual Formees Gathering from 27 – 29 May 2023 at Dasya, Porvorim, Goa, India. It was organized by the RYVM of the Majella Unit in association with the Secretariat of Formation of the Vice Province. The three newly ordained priests and twelve students studying at various stages of formation took part in the 3-days event.

The Program consisted of Prayer, Eucharist, a study tour, games, sessions on the handling of emotions, group building sessions, event management, analysis and critiquing of films, cultural and entertainment programs, etc. The Formees’ gathering concluded with a short picnic and an evening of entertainment.

The intention of this annual gathering of our young clerical students, both professed and postulants, and candidates together was to encourage bonding among themselves and to instill in them a sense of solidarity and oneness. As every year each of these young aspirants and clerical students look forward to this event, we pray that the Lord continues to send us more laborers, as missionaries of hope, to proclaim his message of redemption.

Henry Fernandes CSsR
Vice Province of Majella.