Texas: Michael Thien Hoang, C.Ss.R. was ordained priest


Big day and blessed day for The Redemptorists. Redemptorist Fr. Michael Thien Hoang, C.Ss.R. was ordained priest by Cardinal Joe Tobin, C.Ss.R. Archbishop of Newark, on July 29, 2023 at @ Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas.

Also present were Fr. Kevin Zubel, Denver Province Provincial, Fr. Aaron Meszaros, Provincial Vicar & Fr. Maurice Nutt & many other Redemptorist priests, brothers, sisters, families & friends.

In his homily, Cardinal Tobin said: “we must listen, we must learn to listen as Saint Alphonsus did with his poor people.
I also say this to new priests, listen. Listening to the people is essential. It’s a strong feeling.
Some people in this country are afraid of each other. Fear comes in many forms.
Even the disciples were afraid. That’s why they are called every day.
Even when they were closed and hidden. But the Lord appeared and said “Peace be with you”
He shared his Peace, freedom, dignity with us.
Today it is Christ the Lord who shares his mission with our brother Michael.”

May God bless Fr. Thien Hoang, C.Ss.R. as he goes forth to humbly serve God’s people.

(Facebook of the North American Conference of Redemptorists)

You can see the celebration at The Vietnamese Martyrs Parish on Facebook