Spicilegium Historicum – new issue: 2/2023


(Roma) The new issue of “Spicielgium Historicum Congregationis SSmi Redemptoris”, the second volume published this year, brings as usual several contributions to the history of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Spicilegium Historicum, 2/2023, authors and articles:

  • MACKO Martin, CSSR, Nationale Auseinandersetzungen in der Österreichischen Provinz an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert.
  • SVOBODA Rudolf, Neumanniana oft he Czech Redemptorist Rudolf Chytil (1910-2004).
  • MACKO Martin, CSSR, Bartolomeo Pajalich Junior, CSSR,1843-1866.
  • CORSINI Marco, François Xavier Reuss, CSSR. (1842-1925) nello specchio delle sue carte.
  • TORTORA Alfonso, In the Century oft he Bourbons: First Notes on the Institutionalization of Redemptorist in Southern Italy.
  • TRAPANESE Vincenzo, CSSR, Discorso del P. Rettore Maggiore Trapanese sopra le accuse avanzate alla Sacra Congrgeazione dei Vescovi e Regolari dai 7 Padri Liguorini venuti in Roma.
  • ESCHEVERRY Alberto, CSSR, ,Informe los Andes: 1, 2, 3″.

The periodical is a publication of the Historical Institute of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.