You are the Light of the World – the General Government published the first Communicanda


On World Day for Consecrated Life, Feb. 2, during the online meeting with the participation of a large number of confreres, the General Government of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, presented its first Communicanda in the sexennium 2022-2028, entitled “You are the Light of the World: Our Consecrated Life at the Service of the Mission of the Redeemer.”

This first Communicanda on Consecrated Life today is a tool that we hope will allow us to revitalize our Apostolic Life – says Fr. Ivel Mendanha C.SS.R., who presents the new document in English. We live in a changing epoch that requires commitment and courage on our part.

The purpose of this Communicanda, fruit of the reflection of the entire General Council, emerges as a result of the particular situation we are living as a Congregation: the process of restructuring and reconfiguration, the search for our identity, the reflection on Redemptorist Consecrated Life highlighted by the last General Chapter.

This Communicanda is not intended to give precise answers to all our concerns, but is rather a provocation and an exhortation to every confrere to let his heart be árdened (cf. Lk. 24:32) and to be encouraged to seek his first love (cf. Rev. 2:4). It is an invitation to every brother / to recover enthusiasm for his vocation / and the joy of being a Redemptorist missionary. At the same time, it is an invitation to seek the Redeemer’s own light and to recognize the good that arises from the light produced by each consecrated Redemptorist missionary, being part of one missionary body (cf. Const. 2).

The Communicanda is divided into five parts. First, and it begins with a reflection on the Redeemer Himself. He is our Light. From Him we draw our Light. In the second section, we reflect on the Light that endures the storms. In the third section, we reflect briefly on the Parábola of the virgins (Mt 25:1-13). The next section (number four), is an invitation to examine the various lámpades we need as Redeemers / to be attentive to the hour, the time, the coming of the Redeemer. In the last section of Communicanda, entitled “Questions for our Redemptorist consecrated life,” we offer some questions that will guide us personally and communally / to reflect on the strength (potential) of our light.

The themes taken up here, with questions for reflection / and important texts from the Scriptures, our Redemptorist spirituality and recent pontifical documents, are central aspects of our Apostolic Life, such as: Initial and Ongoing Formation, Mission and Missionary Readiness, Restructuring for Mission, Serving Leadership for Mission, Láic faithful associated with our mission, the vocation of the Redemptorist brother / and finally Spirituality as the source of our light.

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