Perpetual vows, diaconate and priestly ordinations in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


The Brothers Basile Wendkouni SAWADOGO, Relwendé Jérôme PASSOULE, Komlan Badéra Walter MAGNISETING and Pierre KIEMA were welcomed on Friday, January 19, 2024, in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer on behalf of the Vice-Province of West Africa, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, at the Redemptorist Scholasticate, Saint Gerard House.

After a month of second novitiate with our Redemptoristine Sisters in Diabo, they returned to Ouagadougou on January 16 for the immediate preparations in the Diocese of Fada N’Gourma. Thus, on the 19th of January evening at 18:30, during a Eucharistic celebration, they professed the perpetual vows in the presence of Father Vice-Provincial, Father Nobila Olivier SAWADOGO which was open to the lay faithful who participate in our ordinary and Sunday Eucharistic celebrations.

The celebration was attended by the confreres who were there for the first session of the chapter of the quadrennium and the men and women religious of different congregations, together with a few diocesan priests, friends, acquaintances, and sympathizers.

The Mass was presided over by the Provincial of France, Father Desires ZANTE and  Father Christmas SOTTIMA, Coordinator of COREAM preached during the Mass. To the elect of the day, he did not fail to recall the meaning of the Evangelical Councils, which are the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. He also encouraged them in their choice to commit themselves perpetually to  Christ the Redeemer, because for him “there is joy in serving God.”

After the Perpetual Vows on January 19, 2024, at the Saint Gerard House, the four Perpetually professed Brothers were presented to Monsignor Léopold Médard OUEDRAGO, Bishop of the Diocese of Manga to confer on them the sacred order of the diaconate.

Thus, they were ordained deacons, along with other candidates, religious of Divine Providence, commonly known as Don Orione on this Saturday, January 20, 2024, at the Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help of Kossodo, a parish looked after by the Redemptorists.

After ordaining the deacons, Monseigneur proceeded to the priestly ordination of the candidate to the presbyterate, Brother Valère Jean-François Régis OUEDRAOGO. Brother Valère made his Perpetual Vows on June 27 before being ordained deacon on June 29, 2023. Thus, after six months of transitional diaconal service, he received the sacred order of the presbyterate on January 20, 2024. It was then that he joined the group of his classmates, Casimir POUISSI and Edmond EGBIDI who preceded him and were invested with the grace of the priesthood on December 16, 2023, in their diocese, at Kara, in Togo. The Eucharistic celebration began at 18:00 GMT.

Fr. Marc Toguyeni, CSsR.