Paraguay: Retreat of the Province Pedro Donders


The Province Pedro Donders’ retreat was held at the Centro Polifuncional “Marianela” (Atyrá —Paraguay) from Monday, May 27th, to Friday, May 31st.

The retreat preacher was Fr. Gerardo Hernández CSsR, executive secretary of the Secretariat of Formation of the General Government of the Redemptorists. One of the main themes developed was the importance of ongoing formation in the Redemptorist’s life.

More than 40 Redemptorists from the regions of Buenos Aires, Resistencia, Santiago de Chile and Paraguay participated in the retreat.

The retreat was an excellent opportunity to meditate and reflect on various themes concerning the current state of Redemptorist religious life. It was also a wonderful occasion to foster integration among the new Pedro Donders Province members.

Fr. Leonardo Valdez, CSsR
responsible for communication in Paraguay