Colombia: Proclaim Christ where there is no presence of either the State or the Church


Andean Caribbean Province: mission in Maicao – La Guajira (Colombia)

“Missionary Christ wants us to be missionaries!” is the slogan that marked the beginning of the holy Redemptorist mission in the town of Maicao, in La Guajira, Colombia.

Redemptorist Bishop Francisco Ceballos has been commissioned to pastor the Church of Christ in the diocese of Riohacha, in La Guajira, on the northern Colombian coast. Therefore Bishop’s efforts have been to provide a missionary orientation to diocesan pastoral care. For this he has invited the Redemptorist missionaries to mission in the vicariate of San José (Maicao). Eight itinerant priests and eight Redemptorist seminarians have attended and, over the course of a month (June 16 to July 14, 2024), they will tour and visit the homes and communities in 11 parishes and a chapel, concentrating on the areas of greatest pastoral urgency.

In this way, Monsignor Ceballos continues to live our missionary charisma and as confreres we have the opportunity to live it in its most evident form: through the explicit announcement of Christ and his abundant redemption, as a seed of hope that spreads with the poor as recipients, in marginal neighborhoods, in rancherías and areas where there is not enough help from either the State or the Church.

We thank the Lord for calling us to work and ask for prayers for this mission and for the clergy and people of God in La Guajira.

Father Carlos Eduardo López, C.Ss.R.