Burkina Faso: The First Conference of the Laity Associated with the Redemptorists of the Vice-Province of West Africa


From 28 August to 1st September 2024 at 7 a.m., the First Conference of the Laity Associated with the Redemptorists of the Vice-Province of West Africa was held in the conference room of the Saint Gérard formation house, in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. The theme of the conference was, “Knowing each other better as a member of the Redemptorist family” See how good it is, how sweet it is to live as brothers all together. (Psalm 132).

The first day of the conference began with the installation of the participants followed by the progress of the different points of the agenda of day.

  In his welcome address Rev. Fr. Olivier Sawadogo, C.Ss.R, Vice Provincial of the Vice Province of West Africa, thanked the participants, his confreres, and journalists for their presence. He affirmed that this conference is part of the vision of the general chapter which reflects the pastorate of the laity, and it is also an opportunity to promote Redemptorist spirituality. He recalled the objectives of the conference which are among others:

  • Guarantee the sharing of the charism to all Redemptorists.
  • Provide a place for reflection to lay associates.
  • Create links between the brothers and sisters of the different stages of the mission.
  • Provide the pastorate with a competent body for the effectiveness of the Redemptorist mission in West Africa.

After the welcome, Rev. Fr. Rogério Gomes C.Ss.R, Superior General, before declaring the conference open, stressed that this meeting goes beyond a simple gathering. For him, it is a moment of communion, sharing and strengthening of the bonds that unite all the members of this large charismatic family. He adds that this testifies to the desire to walk together with the Congregation, drawing on its charisma and spirituality.

Rev Fr. Koutré SOTTIMA, C.Ss.R Coordinator of COREAM in his words, noted that since the Second Vatican Council, the Church has continued to insist on the need for Religious to collaborate closely with the laity in the missionary work of the Evangelization. He adds that two documents, namely the Directory and the Ratio Formationis for Lay Partners, have been published in order to clearly define the relationship that must exist between the Redemptorists and the Lay Partners.

In his presentation, Rev Fr Nicolas Ayouba, C.Ss.R, said that to succeed in this experience of the conference, patience is required. As a first, there will be difficulties, but we must be patient and look out for each other.

Again, Rev Fr. Pascal SORGHO, C.Ss.R focused on the empowerment of groups. He indeed reviewed several types of empowerments, namely: legal and administrative empowerment, spiritual empowerment, leadership empowerment, personnel empowerment, and economic and financial empowerment.

During the last day of the Conference, Rev. Fr. Pascal Tiendrébeogo, C.Ss.R coordinator of the lay partners of the vice province of West Africa, Rev. Fr Noël Sottima, Coordinator of COREAM, Mrs. Judith Agu, president of the shared mission, COREAM, Rev. Fr Nicolas Ayouba, General Councilor and Rev. Fr Olivier Sawadogo, Vice Provincial of the Vice Province of West Africa sent their word of thanks to the participants.

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They all expressed the wish to see such initiatives take place in the years to come in order to keep this flame of fraternity burning between the members of the same large family; that of the Redemptorists.

At the end of this, certificates were given to all the participants in recognition. The afternoon was reserved for a guided tour of the nursery of the parish of Kossodo and the day ended with a musical concert.

During the Thanksgiving mass, the members of the Fraternity of Lay People Associated with the Redemptorists (FLAR) made their first commitment.

Finally, Lady Judith Agu on behalf of the Commission, congratulated all on the Success of the Conference so far followed by a  few words of helpful advice for all the participants present as to round up this Conference. You can find the words of Lady Judith as attached below.

Fr. Mark, CSsR.
Communication Director

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