Commission for Communication met in Rome


The General Commission for Communication met in Rome from 14 to 18 October to evaluate the condition of communication in its twofold aspect: the internal connection among units, confreres, and lay partners and the promotion of redemptorist vocation and mission to broader audiences.

“I believe that for us, as Redemptorists, communication is a constant sowing of abundant redemption in the public squares of our world; we have to use our channels of communication not only to inform but also to form consciences,” said Fr. Rogério Gomes to the commission members on the first day of the meeting. “We must communicate with one another, sharing experiences, learning and knowledge, we need more interaction as a Congregation” – said Father General in his message delivered on the first sesion.

A valuable introduction to the discussion on how to develop the network of cooperation among our centres and individuals engaged in evangelisation on the Internet was the contribution of Ms Leticia Sobéron Mainero, psychologist and expert in communication. She presented the idea of collaborative intelligence and facilitated further deliberation on how to design efficient networking among the Units and confreres in the field of communication and media evangelisation.

During the following days, the commission worked on the document about guidelines and policies of the Redemptorist presence in the digital world. A further issue was evaluating and updating the action plan for the current sexennium. Finally, the commission members discussed the proposals for next year that our congregation will be dedicated to the mission. This discussion was in touch with the current developments in the Church, as the topic “Mission in the Digital Environment” found its place within the deliberation of the Synod of synodality.

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